Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Looking Beyond A First Glance

Every were you look there is more then meets the eye. To create my name I went out and looked at the world in a new way. Rather then just seeing things for what they are, i began to look at them in a new way. For example, the door handle I used as E went from something I use every day to open close my door  to an E in my last name. I was able to find not only letters but other things as well, simply by looking beyond a first gland.

Friday, 21 October 2011

We See Light, Not Dark

For this project I was supposed to take three photos with three different forms of lighting. For the first photo I took to lights and placed them close and on either side of the subject.

For the second photo I placed one light on the right side of the subject and then a small one at the base of the subjects chair so that there would be no real noticeable shadow behind the subject.

For the third and final photo i placed one light on the left of the subject and one on the right but I put the left one further back to create a 1:2 lighting.

The three photos I chose I feel best show three different lighting and how they can change the way the subject can look with just the slightest change.